Human-computer interaction  

Prerequisites Basic programming skills are required. Objectives Learn the fundamental principles and rules for the design and development of interactive devices, systems and services. Identify users, tasks and contexts of use. Understand the limitations of different technologies and interaction devices. Understand the iterative and incremental process of designing interactive systems and services. Know how to evaluate interfaces at different stages of their development, applying the assessment techniques that best suit the different contexts of use. Understand and compromise between the various constraints to the process of developing interactive systems and services. To frame the area of person-machine interaction in the context of computer and computer engineering. Program Introduction: an historical perspective of the importance of human-computer interaction in computer science and engineering. Prime examples of interactive technologies, devices, systems, services and applications. Models of perception and action. The iterative and incremental development process of interactive systems and services. Idea generation and evaluation. Prototyping methods and techniques: low, medium and high fidelity. Methods and techniques for analyzing users and usage contexts. Predictive evaluation, heuristic evaluation and participatory evaluation. Design and Construction of Visual Interfaces: interaction devices, styles and technologies. Evaluation Methodology 60% Class Labs (L) + 40% Final Exam (E) ; Final Grade: 0.6xL + 0.4xE Minimum Grade: 9,5 on (L) and 9,5 on (E) Working-Students (must be formally recognised as such): must complete the labs but may develop it individually. Cross-Competence Component Critical thinking and innovation, intrapersonal skills, interpersonal skills, information and media literacy, global citizenship. Laboratorial Component Students work in groups of three in class labs through a sequence of three small projects (bakeoffs). Programming and Computing Component In the study cycle this course is offered the computing and programming skills area according to MEPP 2122. More information at:
Human-computer interaction

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